Nature Box

Creative Communications Quote

June 2023 - Updated November 2023


Hi Charlotte, please find details here of how we’d go about delivering creative communication services to help meet your current needs at Nature Box. Any questions please do email me at

Now, let’s get into the details…

Your brief

  • Nature Box has several streams to it (nursery, home education services, pupil intervention scheme, holiday clubs & the training for forest school staff). Whilst some of the platforms you’re utilising are helping to effectively run the business, others are not.

  • Core aspects that need addressing are:

    • Functionality of payment options for people to book and pay for services you offer,

    • A platform to help run the training course smoothly,

    • Design tweaks for the training brand,

    • A clearer website to help better communicate your range of services.

  • It’s important that solutions are easy to use and reduce administration time.

  • Prioritise delivery based on timescales of upcoming seasons/events.

Proposed Approach

We suggest this approach…

Step One (July 2023) COMPLETED

Brand adaption & Website for Training Promotion Site.

  1. Quick win, subtle design tweaks made to nature box brand to use in the promotion of these services.

  2. We build a website (using Squarespace) to promote the training/course services. This would utilise the brand adaptation and would be really clear simple, reflecting the qualities of the course and potential outcomes.

  3. Prospective students would pay their course fees via this website also.

  4. Website would also include a to camera promo video with sound bite interviews & visual teasers to help capture audiences appetite.

Teaching Platform Construction COMPLETED

Having researched various different approaches, I believe there are two ways you could provide a digital platform that allows you to share coursework & mark it all within one space

  1. ‘Moodle’. ( open source platform was recommend by lot’s of people I know who have used it themselves as students. We would work with you to build this, or you could populate this yourselves. Watch the video below for an overview of the platform.

  2. Goole Classroom ( This is simple and easy to use, and allows for students to upload their work for you it be marked and managed. We can help set this up with you if useful.

To ensure a quick turn around of these elements we would build a frame website, brand it and provide a structure. We can then show you how to update the website copy yourselves or you can provide any text we need to populate the website.

We set up the store and launch the website to coincide with your marketing of the course. This would all be done in the next couple of weeks.

Step Two (September 2023) - No longer required

The training platform side of things can be done later in the summer (prior to the course beginning) and we can help with this, or you could do this yourselves.

Step Three (December 2023)

Nature Box Website

  1. We take content from the existing Nature Box website and repurpose and refine it in a Squarespace build.

  2. We create a beautiful easy to use ‘store’ that allows people to book provision and services (such as holiday clubs).

  3. Website is designed and built and then you would be taught how to update and change it, allowing copy to be amended as per your communication priorities.

  4. We would aim to go live by the end of December for use in January 2024.


Step One

  • Brand design tweaks and realignment - £400 COMPLETED

  • Website for training services, complete with store etc: £1,000 COMPLETED

  • 1 minute promo video (shoot, planning & edit): £1,200 OUTSTANDING


  • TBC - This depends on if you’d like our support to build out these platforms or you populate it yourselves. We can chat about your preferences.


  • Website build, delivery with store and handover training: £3,000

Next steps

  1. Chat through the proposal with us to cover any questions etc.

  2. Agree to proceed.

  3. We invoice 50% at the beginning of the project (50% on final hand over). I would suggest, due to the phased approaches we would treat each ‘step’ as a new project and invoice 50% of that, see the task to completion and then proceed to the next step.

  4. Agree timelines, commence the build!

  5. First review

  6. Second review

  7. Sign off (further reviews available at an hourly rate)

It’s awesome to see what’s going on at Nature Box and the hopes for the future. We’d love to join you on that journey!


Ben Elliott

Thank you!